Re-Markings, a biannual refereed international journal of English Letters, aims at providing a healthy forum for scholarly and authoritative views on broad sociopolitical and cultural issues of human import as evidenced in literature, art, television, cinema and journalism with special emphasis on New Literatures in English including translations and creative excursions.
A Biannual Refereed International
Journal of English Letters
ISSN 0972-611X
Impact Factor: 11.489
Publication Policy and Ethics
Mission Statement
Re-Markings, a biannual refereed international journal of English Letters (published in March and September each year), aims at providing a healthy forum for scholarly and authoritative views on broad socio-political and cultural issues of human import as evidenced in literature, art, television, cinema and journalism with special emphasis on New Literatures in English including translations and creative excursions. In addition to regular issues, Special Numbers as well as Special Sections (in regular issues) devoted to important events and personalities in the sphere of Literature and Humanities are published from time-to-time.
The Peer-Review Process
Once the submission is received from an Author/Contributor, it is subjected to blind reviews by two reviewers with expertise in the relevant field who provide an evaluation report suggesting:
Whether the submission is fit for publication in its present form.
Whether the submission needs to be revised in the light of the opinion of the reviewers.
Whether the submission deserves to be rejected.
Reviewers are expected to not consider evaluating manuscripts in which they have any conflict or concurrence of interest in any form.
Once the submission is finally accepted for publication, following the review process, a Letter of Acceptance is issued to the Author by the Chief Editor within three months from the date of initial submission.
Prerequisites for Submissions
The author(s) should provide an undertaking that the article/essay submitted is original in theme and content and that the quotes from both Primary and Secondary sources have been duly acknowledged through citations in the appropriate format. Unpublished materials used in the submission must explicitly have the written consent of the author(s) cited. Submissions must be accompanied by a declaration that the work has not been submitted to any other publisher for consideration and that it has not been published earlier in any form anywhere.
Plagiarism in any form is not acceptable and is bound to result in the rejection of the submission. Also, fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constituting unethical opinion, comments, behaviour etc. are unacceptable.
The Editor-in-Chief and other members of the Editorial Board shall not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and editorial advisers. The decision on the publication or otherwise of a submission shall be free from bias and prejudice related to nation, religion, community, gender, region, race, caste, creed, language etc.
No Predatory Practice or Publication Fee
Re-Markings does not charge any publication fee from the contributors irrespective of the number of times a contributor submits papers for consideration in Re-Markings.